I love cheeseburgers and have all my life. I’m sure my dog would too if that is what was offered every day. One could argue that it is a well balanced meal considering there are grains in the bun, protein in the meat, and of course the vegetables in the lettuce and tomatoes.
But how well balanced would it be if that is what I ate every single day? Morning and night, day after day. A cheeseburger. Ridiculous huh…. most dogs get worse than that. The same heat processed food day after day, year after year. No nutrition left in it at all.
Doesn’t matter if it’s organic, holistic or or what is in it the idea that one food can provide a 100% balanced diet for your dog is really sort of crazy when one thinks about it in those terms. The fact that the major dog food companies also heat produce all their food in the process of manufacturing, taking any shred of nutrition out of it is even more disturbing.
As someone who is into fitness and health for people and dogs, I realize how important what you eat everyday is to long term health. It plays a big part in how well you feel everyday. So why wouldn’t it be true for your dog as well?
Dog Food Industry
The pet food industry is a 16 billion dollar a year game and you can bet that those companies using the biggest marketing dollars to attract your conscious dog food choices aren’t worried so much about the health of your dog. The bottom line is profits. You can read more on some of the major dog food companies and it may surprise you in What’s In Your Dog’s Dinner – The Truth About Dog Food
Variety is the Key to Dog Food Balance
One of the things that has always bothered me about the protocol for feeding dogs these days is the fact that most people find a dog food that they believe is a good choice and then feed the same exact flavor week after week, month after month and year after year. Back to the cheeseburger theory, no matter how much you like cheeseburgers or how good they are for you really, how balanced to you think it could be for you if that was all you ate? Even if it came fortified with extra vitamins and minerals you can see the limitations on the concept of balance.
If you care about your dog’s health and longevity, you should care about what kind of food is being consumed as well. Don’t be afraid to put some real food in your dog’s dish along with a quality kibble that offers variety, isn’t heat processed cooking all the good stuff out of it, and is produced somewhere besides one of the big name conglomerates like Procter and Gamble, Del Monte, or Colgate-Palmalive.
Simply being able to order a variety of foods to change the menu for your dog every couple of weeks or just a little something different every few days has got to be a good thing.
I think this article has great value. I can imagine how important your dogs health and life span is to you. I would like to hear your comments so please write. gerry@austincitypaws.com and visit the website austincitypaws.com.
Happy Cheese Burgers!